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Information for manuals

DropsA is in favour of a sustainable and “green” development of the planet, and this is demonstrated by the will to significantly reduce the daily consumption of printed paper in favour of a greater use of technological tools.

For this we announce that starting from April 2021 the use of paper for our operation and maintenance manuals, which until now was included in the box of the product, will be progressively reduced.

From now on you can download the updated manual to the latest version easily and quickly direct form the DropsA website by scanning the QR code printed on the product label.

The finished product will the be delivered with only two documents:
- EC Declaration (where applicable)
- Instructions for safe usage (page extracted fro the Manual; again, where applicable)

A small gesture that makes a great contribution to eliminating waste and pollution and to safeguarding the ecosystem on a daily basis.


Download the information for manuals for all details: