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A perfect alternative to manual lubrication

It feeds up to 35 lubrication points directly with grease and does not require any specialist lubrication engineering knowledge to design and install a system. A straight forward design concept.
It can be used out of the box-just selects the lubrication interval you need, connect the points and you’re ready to go!

PoliPUMP is a quick and easy product that can lubricate friction points without the use of complex metering valves or system design.

It provides an affordable, versatile and easy to use product for lubrication that in a few simple steps can be setup and is ready to go.

Equipped by 6 different pump element sizes accordingly, to order separately, this pump has many applications including vehicle and mobile, machine tools and any type of device or machinery that requires grease lubrication from 1 to 35 lubrication points.

For further information, please see product page